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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So sian, nothing to do... Went to Roxy Square with Taufik to cut hair because he said it was good...the name of the shop is what " JOEMIL" or something. Now cut my hair until like *** like that. Seems a little too short and also like weird weird de lor. Went back for wushu training after cutting my hair and decided to be enthusiastic in training. First time afer so long i actually perspired after doing the basic kicks, jumps and stuff...haha. Quite tired already, but another group of china people come and ask to do stunts...WTH, so didnt bother about them and just continue with my training. Then this girl, who's name i think is Cindy, just sat in the centre of our training place and watch us train. Diaox...

Anyway, considering whether to go for my saturday trainings or not. Because if i want to fight then must go training mar, last fight i went i didnt even train as i sprained my ankle and it recovered just the day before the competition thingy. Lucky i didnt get owned by the guy who was like much bigger than me and who went for outside training.

Byes for now, catch another post from me whenever i happy to blog...(:

the last dot :
12:22 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hello ,
its me .(xiaoqi) again xD
cbox is up .
do tag , whenever you came :D
and no spammers !
people talk politely to CWL
or i'll be nasty xD
jkjk :D

allright , !
enjoy your stay:D


the last dot :
10:45 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

hello ,
here to post 1 post fer my kaixinguo xD
hrm ,
just finish editting his blog nort long,
wil post up the cbox soon :D
n please tagg him more yea :D
hrmm ,
ii will change the skin again :D
so temp, using this skin :D

alright i'll stop here :D
takecare ppl :D

nites :D


the last dot :
9:50 PM

Hrmm...kaixinguo wants me to blog, so blog lor...if not later she angry...haha(:

Well, today i was very bored in school, had PE but also so boring. Then realised my kaixinguo also had so many same lessons as me...lols. Still want to say what i copycat...but i am not angry, because she makes me happy.

And also, today...had my wushu training, start like super late lor...we ended school at 1.05pm, then training like started at 4pm plus. So had nothing much to do, go and see how the NCC land flag party was coping with the speech day preparations. It was so boring but had some fun drills lor. So after that went for my wushu training. We had 2 new mats which was good for me because it helped to clean the soles of my shoes. From black to white...super right!? Somemore make the soles so waxy then very easy for me to split. YAY!!! But my legs like super pain lor, because nvr stretch at all, so leg pain.

And lastly, i want to blog about my kaixinguo. She is a very kind person, who likes to laugh, and she makes me happy. Haha...said it twice ler...-.-" but its true so yeah~ Byes for now, next time catch another update of my blog...see ya :)

the last dot :
8:32 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Okays...i am back here again with another edition of me blogging. Oh yes... Eh Michelle, i update my blog means you must update ur blog ten times...lols, i noe it doesnt sound fair, but TOO BAD!!!

Ok, i am going to talk about me skippingforgetting about the milk run...^^

I was enjoying my tea-break when suddenly Peh Jun jie from NCC Land called me..." Hello, where are you?" Then i thought that he saw me outside or something so i looked around and couldnt find him anywhere. Then i asked him what he doing. So he told me that he waiting for people...then it was like WTH lor, he so ~bo liao~ wait for people on a sunday de meh? Then suddenly he say got milk run...OH SH*T !!! Then i remember i tell all the juniors if they want to sign up make sure they are present...then in the end i sign up and never go. So pai-seh lor...

Anyway, if there is nothing else, please tag to show your appreciation for me "re-building" this blog...and if i dont see different tags from at least 10 ppl, i wont post Michelle, this is gonna be hard for you, go find all the VS boys that you noe and tell them to come here and tag.

...But please hor, please try to keep this blog as HIDDEN as possible...(:

the last dot :
6:16 PM

Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008 long nvr blog lerhs, then now michelle made a special request for me to now have to blog lurhs...^^

Today, i want to talk about the gym in our school...everything is so rusty touch here touch there then the hand will get brown de...and somemore everything is like taped cos the place tear and all that...

People complained also no use...what can u do? Complain to your teacher? Complain to the principal? Complain to your FATHER??? There is such a thing as proper channel...cannot complain here and there. Think what is this, ur grandfather gym ar?

Btw...getting more intersted in Muay Thai, always pretend do the wai-khru in class. Lols, in the end, everyone always say he knock out...please lar, viyshnu, still want take part in what personal muay thai training. NO HOPE LAR!!!

and michelle, blog ler hor...(:

the last dot :
10:22 PM

xthe rulex



ur name.
sae abit more abt urself.
ppl will want to noe you.

the lurvs

him or her?

the hates


the burning desire

wadcha want??

xthe gossipx

CRAP! cbox code here

xthe darlx

ur linkys!

xthe pastx

*|January 2008 *|May 2008 *|July 2008

xthe thankx




blahsx! songs~