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Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Woohoo!! First post after sooooo long...seems like this blog is DEAD. Won't see me for a long time though...i hate this blog already, so boring, feeling the urge to delete this blog, but no choice lar. Have to leave it here, and let it collect dust...

Realised that I really 5crewed up my chemistry...oh no!! Still thought i was good in it. Sorry Zhu Bin for laughing at you for studying in the morning, in the canteen. Now I know that I should try doing that, and maybe get my A1 for chemistry...

the last dot :
6:08 PM

xthe rulex



ur name.
sae abit more abt urself.
ppl will want to noe you.

the lurvs

him or her?

the hates


the burning desire

wadcha want??

xthe gossipx

CRAP! cbox code here

xthe darlx

ur linkys!

xthe pastx

*|January 2008 *|May 2008 *|July 2008

xthe thankx




blahsx! songs~